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Modern Slavery Statement

CBD Intense is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms within our operations and supply chains. We recognize our responsibility to take a proactive stance in combating these egregious practices and uphold ethical standards across our business.

Our Business

CBD Intense is a trusted online platform focused on providing information, education, and products related to CBD, wellness, and holistic health practices. We operate in a manner that aligns with ethical principles, human rights, and legal obligations.

Our Approach

Supply Chain Practices

We expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to the following principles:

Monitoring and Compliance

We regularly review and assess our supply chain practices to ensure compliance with our anti-slavery policies. Any identified risks or non-compliance issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Reporting Concerns

Employees, suppliers, or any individuals who become aware of potential modern slavery or human trafficking concerns within our operations or supply chains are encouraged to report them promptly to [].

Future Commitments

We are committed to continuously improving our efforts in combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. We will review and update our policies and practices as necessary to strengthen our stance against these heinous crimes.


CBD Intense remains dedicated to promoting ethical practices, human rights, and a work environment free from modern slavery and human trafficking. We will work collaboratively with our stakeholders to eradicate these unacceptable practices.

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